women for beauty

Friday, January 23, 2009

Hai Women...would you atrack him?

Here are tips how atracting the attention of your ideal man:

1.Increased your knowledge.
Most men liked the woman who had a wide perception. To the clever woman and had the concept facilitated discussions when meeting newcomers, especially the man.
To the woman who had confidence made you had special aura at his eyes. Just wait and see, when his point of his view focus at you...amazing women.
3.Are u a chef?
No...you must not be a chef, but its more wisdom if you could cooked.Try it. There was parents's sounding saying the "fastest method approached the man was through his stomach". Most men liked the woman who could cook. Because of that tried to clever at cooking in order to be able to attract attention of your ideal man.
4.Following the newes trend.
Although you did not have much money, you could continue follow the trend with mix n match several clothes so you be able to appear trendy.
Most men were interested to the woman who had the beautiful smile. By smiling will make the person judge you as person that friendly and was easy to be asked for chat. 6.Independent woman.
Please became the independent woman and did not depend with the other person. The man liked the woman who could be in charge of himself than the woman who depend with the other one.

posted by Atpey at 12:07 PM


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